Famous Scientists
Research a Scientist Lesson
- Watch the videos on this page.
- Click on the links below and choose a scientist.
- African American Pioneers of Science
- Asian Scientists
- Black Scientists
- Indigenous Scientists (Look for the column with Scientists and Researchers)
- LGBTQ+ Scientists
- LGBTQI+ Computer Scientists
- Muslim (Arab & Persian) Scientists
- Scientists (mostly White men)
- Woman Scientists
3. On a piece of paper write the following information:
What is their name, when did they live, and where were they born?
Two to three sentences about their research.
Two or three sentences why they or their research interests you.
Work Cited
4. Print and glue OR draw OR copy and paste a picture of the scientist on your paper.
For Teachers (click on the +)
- This video https://youtu.be/MwvOCTdIaSE asks the question “What are the qualities of a scientist?”
- I suggest brainstorming before showing any videos or sharing resources.
Types of scientists (Must subscribe to get access)
Worksheet #1 – “Super Scientists” – types of scientists
Worksheet #2 – “Super Scientists” – types of scientists