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(Updated September 2019)


Students will be able to ask and respond to the question “How old are you?”.

Quel âge as-tu?  J’ai _____ ans.



I start with the game that uses small white boards and pens.  I call out a number and they have to write it down.  It is a fun race.

I do the next series of activities in different order depending on the class experience and energy.

  • I play the video Quel age as-tu?  I slow the playback speed to 0.75 on YouTube.  We listen and sing the song at this speed.  Then I speed it up to “normal” playback speed.  They are very excited about keeping up with the singer.
  • Using the characters from the BBC French games (which has been removed now), I print these images and make them into cards.  Like the game I played during the Je Dis lesson, students walk around the room asking each other “Quêl age as-tu?”  They are looking for other students that have the same age card.  Then we glue the card into their notebook.
  • We copy “Quel âge as-tu?” into their notebook  and the answer with their real age. Then we glue the game cards into their notebook.
  • The students love the Quel âge as-tu? board game from Twinkl as well.  However you need a subscription to download the game.
  • This is a great French listening activity about age.   I made this worksheet about age to go with the activity.

(I did do an art assignment with some of my classes as well.  We made cupcakes that included the two target sentences).