Ma classe et moi
Lessons to SUPPORT Ma classe et moiObjectives:
- Students will be able to greet people and say good-bye: Salut! Bonjour! Bonsoir! Au revoir! Bonne nuit! À bientôt!
- Students will be able ask people their names and respond to the same question: Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle _____. Il s’appelle _____. Elle s’appelle _____. Iel s’appelle _____.
- Students will be able to ask people how they are feeling and tell people how they are feeling: Ça va? Comment ça va? Ça va. Ça va bien. Ça va très bien. Ça va mal. Ça va très mal.
- Students will know the numbers 0-13 zéro, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, treize
- Students will be able to ask and respond to the question “How old are you?” Quel âge as-tu? J’ai _____ ans.
- Students will know how to ask “How does one say hello?” and answer “I say hello, You say hello, He says hello and “She says hello.” Comment dit-on “hello” en français? Je dis _____. Tu dis _____. Il dit_____. Elle dit _____.
- Students will learn to ask and state they love/like a colour. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes? J’aime le/l’ ______. (le bleu, le blanc, le brun (le marron), le gris, le jaune, le noir, l’orange, le rouge, le rose, le vert, le violet)
- Students will learn to school subjects.
- Students will learn classroom instructions (Look! Listen!) Regardez! Écoutez!
- Students will use the words “please” and “thank you.” “Merci” et “de rien”
*I don’t use pages 12, 13, and 16 when working with this book. I save those pages/lessons when teaching school supplies, subjects, and time.