French alphabet
A, B, C
For Teachers
I find the students really enjoy learning the French alphabet. We play games, watch videos and learn to use American Sign Language to communicate.
On the first day, I teach the alphabet with a paper that has the pronunciations. It seems to help some of the visual learners. I show the same French ABC videos every class. They love the rap video.
I play the “Top Secret Name Game:”
- I give them a “top secret” piece of paper to write “top secret” names.
- The first name I spell is “Monica.” I spell it three times and then once again as I write it on the board.
- Now they are to write their own “top secret” name. It cannot be their own name or anyone else’s in the class.
- In partners, they spell their name and the other partner writes the letters and then check to see if they are correct.
- Then I hand out a small dialogue. (In the past, I started with this small dialogue but these steps prepare the students.)
- The students repeat after me the five names/dialogues on the paper.
- With a new partner, they can change their “top secret” name or use the same one as they use the dialogue to lead them through the activity.
The second game is also fun. I have made a paper with all the provinces and territories. A group of students call out one of the licence plates as two students stand at the front of the room ready to slap the name (on the white board) with a flexible ruler or a fly swatter.