The last step was to make the orange T-shirts. I showed did a search and showed images of “Orange Shirt Day,” “All Children Matter,” and “Chaque Enfant Compte.” Everyone had to write “Chaque Enfant Compte.”
They could also write:
- Je m’appelle ________.
- le 30 septembre
While they were making their project, I played the story “When I was Eight.“

How to sew on a button videos (CLICK HERE)
- Life Skills for Kids – Sewing on a Button (with 2 and 4 holes)
- How to sew three different types of buttons
- How to sew on a button (with 4 holes)
- Cool Sewing Tips: Sewing Button’s the Tailor’s Way
For Teachers (Click on the +)
- BCTF Orange Shirt Activities
- Numbers 0-6 worksheet with t-shirt theme
- Colouring Sheets by Hawlii Pichette
- The above link has this PowerPoint about Residential Schools – A Métis Experience