Club Mystère Unit 1
Lessons to SUPPORT Unit 1 (Case 3)
Detective School: Rooms of a school and school supplies
- Students will learn school supplies vocabulary. (un cahier, des ciseaux, une chaise, un crayon, une gomme, un livre, un ordinateur, une règle, un pupitre, un stylo)
- Students will learn the rooms of the school. (la bibliothèque, le bureau, la cour, la salle de classe, la salle des enseignants, les toilettes, le gymnase, le corridor, la cafétéria)
Extra Resources:
- Link to French prepositions: CLICK HERE
- Link to AI art with a focus on prepositions and school supplies: CLICK HERE
- Link additional ideas regarding the rooms of the school: CLICK HERE
- Rooms of the school vocabulary
- Dans ma école
- Scooby Doo (Où es-tu?)
- Dans ma salle de classe
- Les objets de la salle de classe
- Handy School – Stationery
- French school things ~ affaires scolaires en français
- Sac à dos
- Voici mon école – This is a great video to listen for all the words and sentences you know!
For Teachers
Check out 2024-2025 Unit 2 – School Unit