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Être   Avoir powerpoint test Listen to verb avoir For Teachers   Free Avoir word search (You have to register first) Avoir worksheet Verb conjugation foldable 5 in a Row Avoir Game Avoir assignment with...

Tapestry 2025

AI Art – The Airport Unit is found 2023-2024 Unit 1 The Animal Unit is found 2023-2023 Unit 3 The Telephone Unit is 2024-2025 Unit 1 Black History Month Club mystère Duolingo for Schools Easter First Voices French Alphabet...

Tapestry 2025

AI Art – ——- The Airport Unit is found 2023-2024 Unit 1 The Animal Unit is found 2023-2023 Unit 3 Black History Month Club mystère Duolingo for Schools First Voices – Halq’eméylem French Alphabet French Games Halloween hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓...

Colour Theory

CLICK HERE for GAME (colour mixing) Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [535.01...

Claude Monet’s Water Lilies

Monet’s Water Lilies Voici Les Nymphéas de Monet. Il y a  ___________ fleurs. (il y a – The first letter is a “i”). Les fleurs sont ___________ . CLICK HERE for images of Water Lilies CLICK HERE to The ART CLIP BLOG to make the water lilies...

Terry Fox

For Teachers I like Activity sheet 6 and 8.  (It costs money, but Twinkl does have some free download...

Vimy Ridge

Canadian Black Soldiers Names were found in THIS ARTICLE  and THIS ARTICLE. Private Frederick Walter Firth Private Rankin Wheary Private Samuel Daniel Watts Jeremiah “Jerry”...

Definite Articles le la les

In English, when you want to refer to a noun (person, place or thing),  you use a definite article : the In French, when you want to refer to a singular noun,  you use a definite article : le for masculine nouns and la for feminine nouns. In French, when you want to...

French Days of the Week

French games for Days of the Week. Game 1: CLICK HERE Game 2: CLICK HERE Game 3: CLICK HERE Game 4: CLICK HERE Game 5: CLICK HERE Game 6: CLICK...


For Teachers Easter Egg Craft Pysanky Eggs – An Easter Art Project for Kids Crayon Resist Pysanky Egg Design Age 7 and Older...

Scribble Diffusion

Using AI-powered art tools like Scribble Diffusion ( in classrooms is an exciting educational development. It uses AI to refine rough sketches into more polished images. Working with AI is an excellent way for students to experiment with...

Building the Eiffel Tower

For Teachers The towers were built with spaghetti and marshmallows. For five classes, I used 900g of spaghetti and 3 bags of mini marshmallows. Before watching the first video, it is a great opportunity to discuss what safety precautions and clothing are worn by...


For Teachers (Click on the +) Vaisakhi Colouring Sheet 1  Vaisakhi Colouring Sheet 2  Vaisakhi Colouring Sheet...

Canadian money in French

CLICK HERE for the Google slides to go with the video. For Teachers (Click on the +) Dollars and cents worksheet (cut and paste) Au magasin worksheet More or less money worksheet Information about money in French Number/money game for teachers Shopping in French...

The Seasons in French

Mike Beauregard from Nunavut, Canada, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons CLICK HERE for an example of a Coast Salish Seasonal Round. For Teachers (Click on the +) From this website:...

Indefinite Articles un une des

In English, when you want to refer to a noun (person, place or thing), you use an indefinite article: a or an In French, when referring to a singular noun,  you use an indefinite article: un for masculine nouns and une for feminine nouns. In French, when you want to...

Calendar Lessons

Lessons on this theme on my website: Birthday The Months in French For Teachers Resources Day of the Week Worksheet Numbers to 31 and Months Worksheet (Calendar) Number to 31 and Months Worksheet...

The Months in French

GAME 1 CLICK HERE GAME 2 CLICK HERE GAME 3 CLICK HERE  For Teachers (Click on the +) From this website:, I found these worksheets...

French Pronouns

I am going to collect information about pronouns and agreements in French (and save it here). Petit dictionnaire de français from Shannan Downey. We have permission to “use it, change it, add to it, whatever!“ Article “French LGBTQ+ Vocabulary“ For Teachers...


Telephone Colouring Pages Home Phone Office Phone Rotary Phone Vintage Phone French Telephone Video Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? For Teachers (Click on the +) Worksheet about the history of the telephone. (Paid subscription...

School Subjects in French

For Teachers (Click on the +) Click here for the lesson. I started the lesson with students writing out what they do on an average day. Then they compared it to the lives of children in a Residential School. The resource I used is found here:...

School Supplies

GAMES Game 1 Game 2 My things Grade 6/7s: Languages Online (harder) Students using Échos Pro will learn these school supplies: un cahier un crayon un cahier une gomme un livre une règle un pupitre un stylo un sac à dos Link to script: CLICK HERE Students using Club...

Canadian Asian Heritage Month

Canada Asian Heritage Month 2021 We explored Vietnam in our French class during Asian History Month. Vietnam is part of the official Francophone world due to the French colonizing the country from 1887-1954. Vietnam page Bành mí / Vietnamese sandwich...


Voyage to Vietnam (Information about Vietnam) Vietnam is part of the official Francophone world due to the French colonizing the country from 1887-1954 For Teachers (Click on the +) Bành mí / Vietnamese sandwich lesson Tourism...

Banh mi Vietnamese sandwich

Bành mí / Vietnamese sandwich History of the sandwich Links to pictures Menu for NaMì. (Vancouver Food Truck) Dan Rodda – Illustration & Design iStock by Getty Images Lucileskitchen They Draw & Cook Tourism Vietnam Colouring Sheets   For Teachers (Click...

Cave of Lascaux

Cave of Lascaux Non verbal communication Links for later: For...

Je lis RK Publishing

Je lis, je lis, littératie ! ONLINE Magenta Magenta stories worksheets For Teachers (Click on the +) I am just trying this program out now. If anyone has any suggestions or want to share how they are using the program, I would be very interested to hear from you....

French Ramadan

Ramadan Mubarak Ramadan Kareem Bon Ramadan  (click here) Joyeux Ramadan Click here for another video with French ordinal numbers. For Teachers We learned ordinal numbers 1 -10 with the worksheet. Then we made the flip book and wrote the ordinal numbers from 1-28....

Rooms in the Home and My Bedroom in French

Rooms in the Home and My Bedroom Les pièces de la maison et ma chambre Introductory Videos Kitchens Around the World Sleeping in Space Where Children Sleep First Nations Architecture, Building, Culture, History: south British Columbia Canada K’ómoks First Nation...

Bilingual Packaging / Cereal Box Project

Introductory Videos: What does the world eat for breakfast? Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s Space Kitchen Making Bannock with two sisters from the Klahoose First Nation Cereal Videos: KLM Airlines Cheerios Contest Take a tour of a cereal factory Cereal Packaging Designs...

Sports in French and Tour de France

Sports in French and Tour de France Learning about Francophone communities helps us develop cultural awareness. With simple French, we can describe our interests. Videos: Team sports in French Hobbies in French Sports Vocabulary During Recess, J’aime ______...

French Colours / Shapes and the Eiffel Tower

French Colours / Shapes and the Eiffel Tower Videos: French Colours – The French Minute video French Colours – Léon le camèléon video French colours – Couleurs – Arc en ciel by alain le lait video French Colours- Masculine and Feminine colours video French Shapes /...

Canadian Black History

Describing Viola Desmond and John Ware Il s’appelle  Il est Elle s’appelle Elle est For Teachers (Click on the +) Adjectives document to go here. Portia White J’aime la musique.   For Teachers (Click on the +) Types of music (in French)...

French Fruit Lesson

Fruit Vocabulary with sound Fruit Matching Activity French fruit worksheet 1 French fruit worksheet 2 French fruit worksheet...

Telling Time in French

Telling Time in French Telling time in English and French How to read the military clock Telling Time (Hour and Half-Hour) Worksheets French –  Quelle heure est-til? hour and half-hour worksheet French – Digital and non-digital clock hour and half-hour...

Duolingo Kids

Duolingo Kids App I LOVE this app.  My District cannot figure out why some iPads start with the zoo and other iPads do not have the zoo.  They start at the restaurant.   If you know why, please email me at Zoo worksheet Restaurant...

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year For Teachers Chinese New Year free booklet Article about Chinese New Year versus Lunar New Year Grand/Petit Lesson CBC News article comparing Chinese and Vietnamese...

French weather phrases

French Weather Phrases Objective: Students will learn how to talk about the weather. Resources:

Ô Canada

I do not think teaching the French version of O Canada to young students is easy as the song is full of imagery that I’m frankly not comfortable teaching quickly to young students. (I would say the same for the English version of O Canada as well).However, it is...

Emotions in French

Lego person colouring sheet Emotions worksheet French emotions dice Inside Out characters worksheet French Inside Out characters Inuktitut at School: Morning...

French Prepositions

Les prépositions Students will learn prepositions: Sur, sous, dans, devant, derrière. à côté de For Teachers Teaching French prepositions with...

French Alphabet

French alphabet A, B, C French Alphabet Alphabet Français – French Alphabet – Abecedario Francés La chanson de l’alphabet – Comptine French alphabet – L’alphabet en Français by Alain Le Lait French Alphabet RAP – Sing In...

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication For Teachers Hand out playing cards.  Students have to find others with the same suit as their card – diamonds, hearts, spades or clubs – without talking.  Discuss how they found each other. Lead a classroom discussion how in...

Francophone Countries

Francophone Countries Around the World This was a lesson to “demonstrate basic awareness that there are Francophone communities around the world.”  BC Core French Curriculum – Grade 7   Resources Flags of the World cards  Une Liste des Pays...

St Valentin

Target Language À De Joyeuse Saint Valentin CLiCK HERE  to learn how to say  “I love you.” in many languages. CLICK HERE – New Valentine’s Day card in Hul’q’umi’num Videos Je t’aime beaucoup video J’aime Papa,...

Mon numéro de téléphone

Mon numéro de téléphone Updated October 2018 This is a lesson that works with Club Mystère. After introducing numbers 0-13 in French, I created a game using the text book. I photocopied pages 8/9 of the text book and cut out 6 of the 8 identity cards of the different...

Joyeux Noël Bulletin Board

Joyeux Noël Bulletin Board Supplies: coffee mug (for the circle) glitter (I no longer use glitter as it is horrible for the environment/oceans/everyone.) YouTube video We began by drawing a fleur-de-lis with the instructions that I found on YouTube. (They are...

My Birthday / Mon Anniversaire French Lesson

Lesson – Mon Anniversaire French Lesson Updated October 2018 Objective: Students will learn the months of the year.janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre Students will learn how to discuss their and their...

Counting in French from 13 – 31

Objective: Students will know the numbers 14-20 quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt For Teachers 1-20 Worksheet T-Shirt Add, Roll and Colour (dice game) Link to Numbers 0-12 Lesson Les Maths 11-20 Worksheet Link to Lesson about Numbers 0-12...

Henri Matisse and French Colours

Updated – March 2025 Objective: Students will learn how to describe colours in French. bleu, blanc, brun (marron), gris, jaune, noir, orange, rouge, rose, vert, violet LESSON FOR MASCULINE COLOURS ONLY: Students will learn to state they love/like a colour....

Mètis Culture

Objective: Students will learn about Mètis culture as they hear a story about a Mètis family, listen to Mètis music and learn to play the spoons: Resources Fiddle Dancer book and CD Sierra’s Song – Metis Fiddle Music How to Play the Spoons I began this...

Rooms in a School

Objective: Students will learn rooms of the school: la bibliothèque, le bureau, la cours, la salle de français, la salle de musique, la salle des professeur, les toilettes Resources Images of the rooms of the school with French labels Images of the rooms of the school...

Giving Directions in French

Objective: Students will learn directions: Tourner à gauche, tourner à droite, va tout droit Resources Students’ hands Basic school supplies in a school pencil box This French Directions lesson was fun as the students loved using their own supplies to make mazes on...

Learning French Colours

French Colours Objective: Students will learn how to describe the colour of Santa’s outfit and other French colours. Students will learn how to state “I like my (colour) (clothing)” and “I like your (colour) (clothing). J’aime mes bottes noires. J’aime tes bottes...

Comment ça va?

(Updated March 2025) Objectives: Students will be able to ask people how they are feeling and tell people how they are feeling: Ça va? Comment ça va? Et toi? Ça va très bien. Ça va bien. Ça va. Comme ci, comme ça. Ça va mal. Ça va très mal. Videos: Bonjour Bonjour...

Je me souviens – I Remember (Remembrance Day)

  For Teachers Resources Remembrance Day poppy wreaths colouring sheets Remembrance Day French/English decorations I found online four different Remembrance Day wreaths.  Each student could choose one wreath that they coloured and cut.  Then with special...

Quel âge as-tu?

(Updated March 2025) Objective: Students will be able to ask and respond to the question “How old are you?”. Quel âge as-tu?  J’ai _____ ans. Resources: Quel âge as-tu? video Quel âge as-tu game pieces 1 Quel âge as-tu game pieces 2 Quel âge as-tu game pieces 3 (It is...

Counting in French from 0 to 12

Counting in French from 1-12 Updated – March 2025 Objective: Students will know the numbers 1-12 zéro, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six,  sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, For Teachers: In this video, the two characters do the French “kiss kiss”...

Je Dis Bonjour

Updated- March 2025 Objective: Students will know how to ask “How does one say hello?” and answer “I say hello, You say hello, He says hello and “She says hello.” Comment dit-on “hello?” Je dis _____.  Tu dis _____.  Il dit_____.  Elle dit _____. Iel dit _____. ...

Je m’appelle

(Updated March 2025) Objective: Students will be able talk about people’s names. Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle _____. Il s’appelle _____. Elle s’appelle _____.  Iel s’appelle _____.     Videos Je m’appelle Funny Bear video...

Bûche de Noël / Yule Log

This three period lesson was a hit as it ended with a yummy treat! Concepts Explored: Comparing food eaten during the winter holiday by each student to a traditional Canadian Francophone Christmas Dinner Activities: Venn Diagram Bûche de Noël (Yule Log) I began this...