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Cross Stitch

Cross Stitch Students will learn to how to cross stitch. Cross Stitch templates for...

Patterns and the Métis Sash

Patterns and the Métis Sash Students will learn about patterns in the Métis Sash.Students will finger weave a Metis Sash bracelet.Students will learn to code using Hour of Code: KodableResources:Patterns and the Métis Sash lessonHour of Code: KodableStudent completed...

Islamic geometric patterns

Students will learn how to make Islamic geometric patterns. Resources: Eric Brough’s Islamic Patterns Templates from School of Islamic Geometric Design Hour of Code: Artist Lesson First Assignment Watch The Complex Geometry of Islamic Design. Do the dot-to-dot:...

Fruit Art

Fruit Art Presenting Fruit in Creative Ways Students will learn how to present fruit in a creative ways. of Code: Robo-Restaurant...

Roman Mosaics

Making Roman Mosaics Using Different Materials Students will make a Roman mosaic with different materials. Students will learn to code using Hour of Code: Little Dot Adventure Resources: How to Make a Marvellous Mosaic Patterns and Roman Mosaics Examples of geometric...

Pixel Art

Pixel Art (Using Minecraft as a Introduction) Students will learn how to colour using a grid / pixels.Students will learn how to code using Hour of Code: MinecraftResources:Megapixel Colouring PagesMinecraft Pixel Art Grid Coloring PagesMystery Picture Pixel Art Grid...

Ô Canada

I do not think teaching the French version of O Canada to young students is easy as the song is full of imagery that I’m frankly not comfortable teaching quickly to young students. (I would say the same for the English version of O Canada as well).However, it is...

Emotions in French

Lego person colouring sheet Emotions worksheet French emotions dice Inside Out characters worksheet French Inside Out characters Inuktitut at School: Morning...

French Prepositions

Les prépositions Students will learn prepositions: Sur, sous, dans, devant, derrière. à côté de For Teachers Teaching French prepositions with...

French Alphabet

French alphabet A, B, C French Alphabet Alphabet Français – French Alphabet – Abecedario Francés La chanson de l’alphabet – Comptine French alphabet – L’alphabet en Français by Alain Le Lait French Alphabet RAP – Sing In...

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication For Teachers Hand out playing cards.  Students have to find others with the same suit as their card – diamonds, hearts, spades or clubs – without talking.  Discuss how they found each other. Lead a classroom discussion how in...

Francophone Countries

Francophone Countries Around the World This was a lesson to “demonstrate basic awareness that there are Francophone communities around the world.”  BC Core French Curriculum – Grade 7   Resources Flags of the World cards  Une Liste des Pays...

St Valentin

Target Language À De Joyeuse Saint Valentin CLiCK HERE  to learn how to say  “I love you.” in many languages. CLICK HERE – New Valentine’s Day card in Hul’q’umi’num Videos Je t’aime beaucoup video J’aime Papa,...

Mon numéro de téléphone

Mon numéro de téléphone Updated October 2018 This is a lesson that works with Club Mystère. After introducing numbers 0-13 in French, I created a game using the text book. I photocopied pages 8/9 of the text book and cut out 6 of the 8 identity cards of the different...

Joyeux Noël Bulletin Board

Joyeux Noël Bulletin Board Supplies: coffee mug (for the circle) glitter (I no longer use glitter as it is horrible for the environment/oceans/everyone.) YouTube video We began by drawing a fleur-de-lis with the instructions that I found on YouTube. (They are...

My Birthday / Mon Anniversaire French Lesson

Lesson – Mon Anniversaire French Lesson Updated October 2018 Objective: Students will learn the months of the year.janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre Students will learn how to discuss their and their...

Counting in French from 13 – 31

Objective: Students will know the numbers 14-20 quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt For Teachers 1-20 Worksheet T-Shirt Add, Roll and Colour (dice game) Link to Numbers 0-12 Lesson Les Maths 11-20 Worksheet Link to Lesson about Numbers 0-12...

Henri Matisse and French Colours

Updated – March 2025 Objective: Students will learn how to describe colours in French. bleu, blanc, brun (marron), gris, jaune, noir, orange, rouge, rose, vert, violet LESSON FOR MASCULINE COLOURS ONLY: Students will learn to state they love/like a colour....

Mètis Culture

Objective: Students will learn about Mètis culture as they hear a story about a Mètis family, listen to Mètis music and learn to play the spoons: Resources Fiddle Dancer book and CD Sierra’s Song – Metis Fiddle Music How to Play the Spoons I began this...

Rooms in a School

Objective: Students will learn rooms of the school: la bibliothèque, le bureau, la cours, la salle de français, la salle de musique, la salle des professeur, les toilettes Resources Images of the rooms of the school with French labels Images of the rooms of the school...

Giving Directions in French

Objective: Students will learn directions: Tourner à gauche, tourner à droite, va tout droit Resources Students’ hands Basic school supplies in a school pencil box This French Directions lesson was fun as the students loved using their own supplies to make mazes on...

Learning French Colours

French Colours Objective: Students will learn how to describe the colour of Santa’s outfit and other French colours. Students will learn how to state “I like my (colour) (clothing)” and “I like your (colour) (clothing). J’aime mes bottes noires. J’aime tes bottes...

Comment ça va?

(Updated March 2025) Objectives: Students will be able to ask people how they are feeling and tell people how they are feeling: Ça va? Comment ça va? Et toi? Ça va très bien. Ça va bien. Ça va. Comme ci, comme ça. Ça va mal. Ça va très mal. Videos: Bonjour Bonjour...

My Blog Roll

Why do I blog? I think the above image says it all. I blog to share, to connect, to create and to inspire.  I love when I can explore another connected teacher’s blog roll. If you have a site or great links you wish to share, please send them to me as I look...

Je me souviens – I Remember (Remembrance Day)

  For Teachers Resources Remembrance Day poppy wreaths colouring sheets Remembrance Day French/English decorations I found online four different Remembrance Day wreaths.  Each student could choose one wreath that they coloured and cut.  Then with special...

Quel âge as-tu?

(Updated March 2025) Objective: Students will be able to ask and respond to the question “How old are you?”. Quel âge as-tu?  J’ai _____ ans. Resources: Quel âge as-tu? video Quel âge as-tu game pieces 1 Quel âge as-tu game pieces 2 Quel âge as-tu game pieces 3 (It is...

Counting in French from 0 to 12

Counting in French from 1-12 Updated – March 2025 Objective: Students will know the numbers 1-12 zéro, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six,  sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, For Teachers: In this video, the two characters do the French “kiss kiss”...

Je Dis Bonjour

Updated- March 2025 Objective: Students will know how to ask “How does one say hello?” and answer “I say hello, You say hello, He says hello and “She says hello.” Comment dit-on “hello?” Je dis _____.  Tu dis _____.  Il dit_____.  Elle dit _____. Iel dit _____. ...

Je m’appelle

(Updated March 2025) Objective: Students will be able talk about people’s names. Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle _____. Il s’appelle _____. Elle s’appelle _____.  Iel s’appelle _____.     Videos Je m’appelle Funny Bear video...

Bûche de Noël / Yule Log

This three period lesson was a hit as it ended with a yummy treat! Concepts Explored: Comparing food eaten during the winter holiday by each student to a traditional Canadian Francophone Christmas Dinner Activities: Venn Diagram Bûche de Noël (Yule Log) I began this...